Your Say

RadioAtlantic is your station. Your ideas and preferences help improve RadioAtlantic. RadioAtlantic wants to hear from you!

We value your privacy and will never sell or rent your email address.

Where do you live?

Who are your favourite east coast musicians? Can you recommend any new, underrated, or emerging east coast artists?

List any artists or songs that you think should be removed from RadioAtlantic's streams.

Tell us about yourself. Are you a musician? Are you a live music supporter? Got a music story to share?

Thoughts, suggestions, or complaints?

Interested in helping RadioAtlantic? RadioAtlantic is interested in photographers, writers, moderators, musicians and more. Let RadioAtlantic know what your interests are.

Can we send you RadioAtlantic's email newsletter? It's filled with east coast music news and sometimes we give away free stuff! You will be able to remove yourself from the list at any time. We will never sell or rent your email address.

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